Webinars Library

Role: All Users

Explore a comprehensive series of instructional videos to guide you through the diverse iLab features. Gain valuable insights and learn how to leverage these features effectively to optimize your workflow and achieve greater efficiency in using iLab.

The library is organized by iLab user role:

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Core Administrators

Topic Recording URL Additional Help Site Resources
iLab Basic Functionalities Watch Video Overview of Managing a Core
Core "Admin" Tab Overview Watch Video Administration Tab Overview
Core Administration Settings Watch Video Core Administration Settings 
Core: Email Settings Watch Video Email Settings           
Managing Schedule Settings
Managing Service Requests, Projects Templates and Custom Forms Watch Video Editing Service Request Templates            
Editing Services
Adding and Updating Calendars Watch Video Add, Edit, or Remove a Schedule
Equipment Usage Report Watch Video Reporting‍            
Reporting Field Details
Kiosk: Workflow and Settings Watch Video Managing Kiosk
Managing Core Access Requests Watch Video Managing Access Requests
Confirm Usage Watch Video Confirm Usage
Charge Entry Watch Video Charge Entry
Managing Custom Forms Watch Video Custom Forms
Collaborative Cores Watch Video Managing Collaborative Cores
Add-On Charges Watch Video Add-On Charges
Billing Overview Watch Video Billing Overview
Customer Surveys Watch Video Customer Surveys
Time Entry Coming Soon Time Entry
iLab Billing Refresh Watch Video Creating a New Billing Event     
Release Notes
External Quote Generator Watch Video External Quote Generator    

Core Customers/All Users

Topic Recording URL Additional Help Site Resources
Overview of Using a Core Watch Video Using a Core
Using a Core Training Watch Video Request Services
Group Management: Lab Members Coming Soon Lab Members
Managing & Approving Requests Coming Soon View My Requests                          
View Requests
Create Reservations Coming Soon Schedule Equipment

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