Track Usage

Role: Core Administrator

Usage Tracking allows cores to monitor real-time instrument usage for more precise billing and reporting. This is achieved through iLab's Kiosk and Interlock modules. The Kiosk is a standalone tracking station that captures logged time, providing users with a login interface to start and end their reservations. Interlock, on the other hand, is a device that uses hardware or software to control equipment power securely through the iLab Bridge.

Kiosk can function independently to track equipment usage within the core, ensuring accurate records of usage time. For more detailed information, please refer to the Managing Kiosk article.

In addition, iLab offers a solution for remote equipment management via a user-friendly kiosk interface and network-enabled devices. These devices can control standard 110V outlets or dry electrical switches, enforcing the rules and policies set within the iLab system. These policies include factors such as a user's training status, scheduled usage time, and resource availability.

By implementing these modules, cores can ensure that usage is accurately tracked, providing a reliable basis for billing and resource management.

Learn more:

iLab Usage Tracker

Some cores might still see the old iLab Usage Tracker button in the Schedule Equipment tab or in the core settings page within the Admin tab of the Core page. However, this feature has been discontinued, and the R&D team is working on removing it completely from the interface.




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